Saturday, January 7, 2012

The wedding of Q and U for Shaun's class

 This was the wedding of Q and U that Shaun's class did. It was so cute and fun to watch. They sent invitations out and all. Shaun was the "father of the groom". The girls wore princess dresses and the boys wore sports jerseys.

This is Shaun(father of the bride) and Michelle. The little girl who was the "mother of the bride. The letter "Q".
This is Callie. She is such a cutie.

This is Jonah and Arianna. Mother and Father of the groom. The letter "Q"

The flower girl dropped plastic money instead of flower petals.

My very cute, huge smiler, very handsome little boy. Well not so little anymore.
Sitting in their seats of honor.

"Q" getting walked down the asile by her escort. These are a little out of order, but I'm having some issues with my computer.

Q and U getting married. We even had a reception afterwards with cake and punch. I want to post a couple of videos, but my computer won't let me right now. Will try later as they are really cute. Bill and I really enjoyed getting to be a part of this wedding. I so appreciate what my children's teachers do here that makes learning so much fun for the kids.

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